Friday, 17 February 2012

Five most difficult languages to learn in the world

Do you know how many number of languages are there in the world....?? No..!!!! Very difficult question to answer even for the researchers....!!!  According to SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics) there are 6900 distinct spoken languages in the world approximately (no one declared yet- this is a correct count or not).

Do you know what is the most spoken language all over the world... Every one thinks English is the most spoken language, but that's wrong. English is in third position in most spoken languages list...!! Surprising...!!

Five most spoken languages in the world
1. Mandarin Chinese 
2. Spanish
3. English
4. Arabic

How difficult is it to learn a new language..?? Difficulty of learning a particular language depends on your native language. For example, if you can speak German language then you can learn Danish language very easily as both the languages belong to same family. 

We listed the most hardest languages to learn in the world based on noun cases, characters, letters and grammar rules followed in that language.
Five most difficult languages to learn in the world
1. Arabic
2. Chinese
3. Japanese
4. Hungarian
5. Korean


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